Portable Poetry Portal

His(David Bohm) passion for truth carried him wherever it might possibly find nourishment, and his theories consequently reflect tremendous breadth and depth in accounting for a wide range truth that stems from a diverse spectrum of epistemologies.

The 3Ps blog is dedicated to exploring cosmology, quantum physics, and the domains of the very small and the very large with poetic expression of science concepts, philosophy, and history of ideas at the emergent consciousness level by using the "words of science."

Out from here
near the edge of the universe
clear of culture clutter
it's syllables my dear
wandering where
cosmic attractions
search for...the rest
The hologram universe

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Location: Volga, SD, United States
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Saturday, October 15, 2005

Fall n’ Chromatography

Waiting, watching, testing the validity of gravity

Leaves make a mockery of science

First the biologists are caught with color on their faces

Next the chemist mistakes chlorophyll lost for frost

Finally the astronomer loses sight of the sky

Trying to rake the last one before twilight

Mocks them all with a bare oak bough to the west


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