Portable Poetry Portal

His(David Bohm) passion for truth carried him wherever it might possibly find nourishment, and his theories consequently reflect tremendous breadth and depth in accounting for a wide range truth that stems from a diverse spectrum of epistemologies.

The 3Ps blog is dedicated to exploring cosmology, quantum physics, and the domains of the very small and the very large with poetic expression of science concepts, philosophy, and history of ideas at the emergent consciousness level by using the "words of science."

Out from here
near the edge of the universe
clear of culture clutter
it's syllables my dear
wandering where
cosmic attractions
search for...the rest
The hologram universe

My Photo
Location: Volga, SD, United States
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by PoemHunter.Com

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Thinking through the gaps

I have taken up another practice during the past few weeks. Listening to online radio . I had tried many times before and had sided with popular opinion that it really required a high speed internet connection. Then I started to explore the idea of simultaneous tracks of spoken word when I realized the gaps were so important to communication. That recognition lead to me to understand that sharing bandwidth caused gaps in transmission that carried its own texture to an audio performance. In fact I am listening to a discussion by Mackey of Tuck and Roll - Show 13 at this moment along with a sythetic voice of the following:

From Hear to Modernity

Conduits of sound
tangled patterns, knotted wires
braided copper cables
Low bandwidth carriers
straining against a wireless revolution
waging air wars
against tested tradition
4 digits + prefix = 7
Come 11
hidden by a magnetic attraction
Maxwell’s right hand rule
Made clear
Do you hear me?

Do you hear me?

Think you way through the gaps, it is part of the performance that is environment dependent although it may seem random it is connected. Slower is gooder.

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Dynamic Poetry – Dynamic Haiku

Synthetic voice and poetry> American Mavericks Program 11. Well I don't know which one as I have been playing with more than one voice track but Airchinnigh discovered what I did about stops EWE "." & "." EYEthe other day.

Visit Crossings: eJournal of Art and Technology and dicover more poetry and . . . (read as "point", "point").

ence-ssen-rehteg-owT rehteg-
. . . . . . .

. . . (>"

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Sky blue why

A Power of Ten

light scattered blue
exposes molecules
to those clear sensitive folk eyes

seye klof evitisnes raelc esoht ot
selucelom sesopxe
eulb derettacs thgil

neT fo rewoP A

I laid out the first part of this piece on 26 Oct with the intention of using it to experiment with another T2S software. My intention is to use software that I can pick up for free by scrounging the internet like John Cage used junk for percussion. I found several and chose Speakonia (only a preliterate could have thought of it). Since I ride (sic.) poetry,as I was on my bicycle I began to consider what happens to poems when they are flipped like images. Well you can try reading it without some kind of aid, but I don't even try to sample all the rate and pitches that interactive work with a speech synthesizer that does not think before making a noise can produce.

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