IToE (Impressionist Theory of Everything) - The role of paradox
IToE (Impressionist Theory of Everything) - The role of paradox
Hellow! I am explore the basics (-_^)
Hellow! I am explore the basics (-_^)
The term "Impressionist" is adopted from the well-know style of art called "Impressionism" (see The Impressionists - Biography on A&E). In their period, the Impressionist artists, began new exploration of the relationship and balance between form and content. They shifted this balance away from the direct representation of content, in order to study the richness of colour and shape for its own sake. While recognizing the role of content, at the deepest of levels, without the pure rules of placement and colour, there can be no beauty. The creation of beauty, depends on this dualism of complementary factors.The Impressionist Theory of Everything focuses on the natural place of such dualisms in the Universe.
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