OEDILF - The Omnificent English Dictionary In Limerick Form
There is MTonnes of good stuff(plenty of not-so-good too) here, but this is the place to start from this blog. Avogdro's Number is a good one to start with.
Archiving for US Dummies
His(David Bohm) passion for truth carried him wherever it might possibly find nourishment, and his theories consequently reflect tremendous breadth and depth in accounting for a wide range truth that stems from a diverse spectrum of epistemologies.
The 3Ps blog is dedicated to exploring cosmology, quantum physics, and the domains of the very small and the very large with poetic expression of science concepts, philosophy, and history of ideas at the emergent consciousness level by using the "words of science."
What does poetry become
Physics is the a form of insight and as such is a form of art.
so says David Bohm
Art interprets the visible world, physics charts its unseen workings.
The artist employs image and metaphor; the physicist uses number and equation.So says Leonard Shlain in Art and Physics
Singularity--a word without meaning
There is no way
So they say
Nothing can be something
everything never was or could be
Only a small cadre of technoprophets is attempting to extrapolate current trends and imagine what our world might look like in the next few decades. “We’re staring into a fogbank,” Stross says, “and we literally do not know where we’re going, only that we’re going there very fast.”So says Stross...................
So what is Singularity Poetry
Fibonacci Quilt Spiral
Poems evolve like quilts
word pieces, color image, quiet dreams—
slowly, abruptly
together they go.
Sometimes they surprise you, tempt you,
leaving you anxious.
Does this fit? Is the color right?
Days pass.
Working evenings, rearranging,
small changes,
big change,
go back to the dream.
Let the pattern speak.
the message appears,
your fingers working—
transforming wisdom
exploding from familiar scraps.